Many people who come to Oronoco for the Oronoco Gold Rush wonder where do those donations go.
One of the best avenues for those funds to go to is the National Night Out in Oronoco. This is a Tuesday night in August when the nation makes an effort to meet their neighbors. In Oronoco this is a very big deal.
For the past number of years Oronoco has enjoyed entertainment from the Fire Department with their truck and hoses for adults and children alike to have fun with.
The Olmsted deputies bring their cannine recruit to entertain all as they demonstrate the talent of their trained dog to take down any trouble makers. We all maintain our best behavior. This is a show we all look forward to each year.
The staff of the city of Oronoco also get involved in this very special night. They work to get donations of toys or gifts that can be given out to both the adults and of course bags for the children. It does take a village to get this ranked as one of the best National Night Outs in Olmsted County. So if you haven’t made it to the Oronoco National Night Out yet make sure you mark your calender for Tuesday August 7, 2018. We invite you to come meet your neighbors at the Oronoco City Park.