State Sales Tax Forms for 2016

We find it necessary to ask every city vendor to supply a new ST-19 or to fill out the 2016 ST-19 Supplemental Statement. These documents have been put on the website here, and Carol Olson has emailed copies to all registered vendors. Copies can be supplied at City Hall as well.

You cannot set up merchandise unless your state sales tax documentation is updated.

We would also like to remind home owners who have vendors on their private property that they are also responsible for getting either a copy of each vendor’s St-19 form OR have them fill out a supplemental statement. You are also responsible for sending copies to the state. Not complying with this could result in a $100 fine per vendor.

In order to sell merchandise at the Downtown Oronoco Gold Rush Days (August 19-21, 2016), the State of Minnesota Department of Revenue requires the completion of an ST-19 form or a written statement from all vendors. If your vendors meet all of the following criteria, they may not need a Minnesota Sales and Use tax identification number but can use the supplemental page:

 This is the only selling event I am participating in for this calendar year

 I am participating in events for three or fewer days in a calendar year

 I will make less than $500 in total sales in this calendar year